Taira no Iehiro (平家弘)

TAIRA no Iehiro (date of birth unknown - 1156) was a busho (Japanese military commander) who lived in the late Heian period. He was a son of TAIRA no Masahiro, who was of the branch family of Ise-Heishi (Taira clan). His mother was a daughter of Kazue no jo (accounting officer) Sadayoshi. His job grade was Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) Chief of the Gatekeeper.

The clan members descended from TAIRA no Masanori's younger brother, TAIRA no Masazumi, and they held power in Shinano Province. Iehiro served as a valet to the Retired Emperor Sutoku in Kyoto, and at the petition of Kofuku-ji Temple to recall personnel affairs by the priests in 1150, he served as Kebiishi (a police and judicial chief) at the Imperial Palace of Sutoku-in. In 1152, he captured MINAMOTO no Mitsuyoshi, who broke into the Imperial Palace of Sutoku-in.

Based on these events, he led his clan and sided with the Retired Emperor Sutoku at the Hogen War in 1156. In a ceremony executed by FUJIWARA no Yorinaga, he was appointed to hogandai (an administrative official of the Retired-Emperor's Office) along with MINAMOTO no Tameyoshi, and he guarded the Kasugamen Gate. Facing defeat on the battlefield, he escaped and went on to guard the Retired Emperor with his son, TAIRA no Mitsuhiro. At this time, he tried to enter the priesthood along with the Retired Emperor, but gave up the idea because of the Retired Emperor's opposition. He met his end on Mt. Oe in Kyoto, along with his children and his younger brother, when he was beheaded at the hands of MINAMOTO no Yoshiyasu.

[Original Japanese]